Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient,


Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient,

STOREHOUSE is a fully functional furniture store run by Reconciliation Ministries. It is an avenue of vocational training and generates income that allows RM to offer student services free of charge.

Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient, rm storehouse, rm coffee, St. Andrews Rd., Storehouse, Coffee,
Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient,
Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient, rm storehouse, rm coffee, St. Andrews Rd., Storehouse, Coffee,
Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient,


The newly renovated Storehouse facility, located at 3128 Broad River Rd. in Columbia, boasts affordable, quality furniture items. Purchases made go to support the daily operations of the ministry as well as student training in marketable job skills. 

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Tues- 12p-5p, Wed-Sat- 10a-5p

Please stop by for a tour around the sales floor. You can hear stories of reconciliation and upgrade your furniture in the process. Everyone wins at STOREHOUSE! 


3128 Broad River Road, Columbia SC 29210

Call 803.769.7873 for answers to questions about RM Storehouse

Reconciliation Ministries, Columbia SC., Recovery, Treatment, Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Religious, In Patient,
Blue on white logo for reconciliation ministries columbia sc recovery and treatment for drug and alcohol biblical based